Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 5, 2020

Sasha velour rupaul drag race gay pride soho retro shirt

“It’s hard not to love the Sasha velour rupaul drag race gay pride soho retro shirt but in fact I love this rebellious, DIY nature of punk hair—a total rejection of everything society deemed acceptable that created results which really hadn’t ever been seen before in history. It was only relatively recently that women had been ‘allowed’ to cut their hair short, and to now be shaving your head and dyeing it is about the most creative, imaginative, and fingers-up-to-the-world possible for kids in normal circumstances. These hairstyles were confrontational, angry, and impossible to take your eyes off. The style we probably most associate with punk is the mohawk, dyed in unnatural shades of neon colors. A prime example of peacocking, this cut doesn’t just demand to be looked at, but also embodies the complete and utter disregard for what hair ‘should’ look like—something which feels particularly interesting when you imagine how close historically this was to the pristine glamour we associated with the ’50s and ’60s.

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