Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 6, 2020

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But this Mother’s Day is going to look a little different. In a pandemic, it must. Coronavirus rages in New York, my city, the Justice for george floyd 2020 shirt also I will do this epicenter, the Wuhan of America. My mother, the feminist writer Erica Jong is across town, locked away in her 27th-floor apartment with my stepfather. They do not go out or in. Recently, she tweeted how much she missed seeing her grandchildren, which was heartbreaking to read. But we are not overreacting, I already have three friends who have lost their dads to coronavirus. (The fatality rate for Coronavirus in her age group is 13.4 percent.) For my generation, coronavirus is the father-killer, wiping out a generation of dads in their seventies and eighties. Dads (and moms too) that we would have had for a few more years if not for the virus. (This is not to say it hasn’t also killed people my age; it has.)

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