Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 6, 2020

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The Gates, Central Park. None of us thought Christo would survive Jeanne-Claude’s death in 2009. Somehow, he did, and miraculously brought The Floating Piers to Lake Iseo, Italy, in 2016. When he told us about the We’re all mad here cat lying on tree vintage retro shirt Furthermore, I will do this idea a couple of years before, an idea he and Jeanne-Claude had conceived in 1970 with a different location in mind, the old excitement was in his voice—the same rapid fire, Bulgarian-accented English. Christo was back. The thrill of seeing another one of their visions come to life had eased some of the burdens of grief. The landscape, he said, was the one Leonardo had used in the background of the Mona Lisa.

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