Fauci’s sudden thrust into the spotlight has been a stressor for his family. The threats have extended to harassment of Grady and his daughters. Being a target himself “bothers me less than the hassling of my wife and my children,” Fauci told 60 Minutes. Grady was justifiably defensive about Trump-incited criticism of Fauci: “When he gets criticized, it feels unfair to me because he is working so hard for the right reasons.”
The couple seems to be seeing each other through the difficulty of the pandemic. Grady threw him surprise parties for his 50th, 60th, 70th, and even his recent 80th birthday, when she conspired with his security to return him home by 5:30 p.m., when Fauci found a virtual gathering of friends from around the world. “She is a genius at fooling me,” Fauci told The Guardian. “I mean, it’s very tough to fool me.” For fun, they enjoy wine and pasta (relatable!)—he’s been known to make homemade rigatoni with sausage. In a 2015 CBS interview, they clinked wine glasses across the kitchen counter while Fauci said, “Salud.” They don’t watch much TV, as one can imagine, but Grady prefers cop shows like Chicago P.D., while Fauci is an action-based, Bourne trilogy fan.
“I try to get him to rest, to drink water, to eat well, to sleep, and to be selective about what he agrees to and say no to some things,” Grady told CNBC. “Since this pandemic began, I think we’ve been trying to walk every day, even if it’s sometimes late in the evening. It’s for mental and physical health.” Still, “we work too much,” Grady admitted to InStyle. “He works more than I do. I have been working at home, and that creates a situation where there are no boundaries. I wake up in the morning and go to my computer first thing, and then I work until night. There is no difference between Monday and Saturday. There is no difference between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m.”
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